Jebel Buhais

Location of Jebel Buhais (Source: ADIAS)
Location of Jebel Buhais (Source: ADIAS)

Professor Hans-Peter Uerpmann (University of Tübingen, Germany) examines some burials on the excavation at Jebel Buhais (Photograph by Dr Mark Beech)
Dr Henrikke Kiesewetter (centre) and colleagues on the excavation at Jebel Buhais (Photograph by Dr Mark Beech)
Professor Hans-Peter Uerpmann (University of Tübingen, Germany) examines some burials on the excavation at Jebel Buhais (Photograph by Dr Mark Beech)
Dr Henrikke Kiesewetter (centre) and colleagues on the excavation at Jebel Buhais (Photograph by Dr Mark Beech)


Al-Buhais 18 (English version - German version) - Late Stone Age burial grounds and settlement in Sharjah emirate (being investigated by Sharjah Museum in collaboration with the University of Tübingen, Germany).

Jebel Buhays (Source:

Sharjah Archaeology Museum - The Stone Age


22 Jan 2000 - Mass graves in Sharjah dated to 4000 BC (Source:

3 May 2000 - Earliest Human Settlement Discovered (Source:

15 April 2001 - 7,000 year-old skull found in Sharjah (Source:

15 April 2001 - Stone Age Skull reveals evidence of early brain surgery (Source: Gulf News)

28 April 2001 - Sharjah archaeological site to be turned into a museum (Source:

22 May 2001 - Der Weg der steinzeitlichen Wüstennomaden - in German (Source:

28 May 2001 - Clevere Wüstennomaden lebten vor 7.000 Jahren auf der arabischen Halbinsel - in German (Source:

5 March 2002 - German archaeological team arrives (Source: Gulf News)

6 March 2002 - Sharjah resumes archaeological excavations (Source:

9 April 2002 - Stone age settlement discovered in Sharjah (Source: Khaleej Times)

9 April 2002 - Stone age settlement discovered in Sharjah (Source:

10 April 2002 - Pre-ceramic evidence found in Sharjah (Source: Gulf News)

11 April 2002 - Pre-ceramic archaeological evidence found and Pre-ceramic evidence found in Sharjah (Source:


Kiesewetter, H. 2003. The Neolithic Population at Jebel Buhais 18: Remarks on Funerary Practices, Palaeodemography and Palaeopathology. In: D.T. Potts, H. Naboodah and P. Hellyer (eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Archaeology of the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, 15-18 April 2001). Trident Press, London. pp. 35-44.

Kiesewetter, H., H-P. Uerpmann and S.A. Jasim. 2000. Neolithic jewellery from Jebel Al-Buhais 18. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 30: 137-146.

Uerpmann, H.-P. and M. Uerpmann. 1999. The camel burial of al-Buhais 12 (Sharjah, U.A.E.). In: C. Becker, H. Manhart, J. Peters and J. Schibler (eds.), Historia Animalium Ex Ossibus - Beiträge zur Paläoanatomie, Archäologie, Ägyptologie, Ethnologie und Geschichte der Tiermedizin; Festschrift für Angela von den Driesch zum 65. Rahden/Westf., Leidorf. 8: pp. 455-462.

Uerpmann, M. 2003. The Dark Millennium - Remarks on the Final Stone Age in the Emirates and Oman. In: D.T. Potts, H. Naboodah and P. Hellyer (eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Archaeology of the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, 15-18 April 2001). Trident Press, London. pp. 73-84.

Uerpmann, M. and H-P. Uerpmann. 2000. Faunal remains of al-Buhais 18, an aceramic neolithic site in the Emirate of Sharjah (SE-Arabia) - Excavations 1995-1998. In: M. Mashkour, A.M. Choyke, H. Buitenhuis and F. Poplin (eds.), Archaeozoology of the Near East IVB - Proceedings of the fourth international symposium on the archaeozoology of southwestern Asia and adjacent areas. ARC - Publicatie 32. Groningen, Netherlands, 40-49.

Uerpmann, M., H-P. Uerpmann and S.A. Jasim. 2000. Stone Age nomadism in SE-Arabia - palaeo-economic considerations on the neolithic site of Al-Buhais 18 in the Emirate of Sharjah, U.A.E. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 30: 229-234.
