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Location of Rufayq (Source: ADIAS)
Location of Rufayq (Source: ADIAS)

The Iron Age hearth at Rufayq site RU-2.2 (Source: Hellyer and Beech 2001 - Photograph by Peter Hellyer)
The Iron Age hearth at Rufayq site RU-2.2 (Source: Hellyer and Beech 2001 - Photograph by Peter Hellyer)


Abu Dhabi City Environs (Source: Arabian Wildlife)

Radiocarbon dates from Rufayq (Source: ADIAS website)

Rufayq (Source:


Hellyer, P. and M. Beech. 2001. C14 dating of Iron Age hearths on the island of Rufayq, Abu Dhabi. Tribulus (Journal of the Emirates Natural History Group) 11.1: 21-23.
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